No need for multiple kettles and bulky gear - Unibräu does it all in one compact system.
Stovetops struggle with heat control, propane wastes fuel, and both limit where you can brew. Unibräu’s electric system brings your mash to temp faster, holds it steady, and eliminates boilovers—safely, indoors, and year-round.
Traditional setups require extra steps like sparging, and heating times drag on. Unibräu’s efficient electric heating and all-in-one design streamline the process—so you can brew high-quality beer in less time.
Stovetops and propane can’t hold steady temperatures, leading to inconsistent beer. Unibräu’s built-in digital control keeps your mash temp rock-solid from start to finish.
Unibräu’s stainless steel design and single-vessel system mean fewer parts to clean and more time enjoying your beer.