April 03, 2017 4 min read

Brewing beer is not only delicious, but it’s a fun hobby many people have come to love. Whether you have your own all in one brewing system in your kitchen or you have an entire set up in your garage, brewing your own beer in the comfort of your own home has some advantages.

The craft beer industry is growing extremely fast and thousands of people are jumping onto the home brewing train more than ever before. Become part of the growth by getting started today and purchase your very own all in one brewing system from Brau Supply. In the meantime, learn our top 10 reasons why you should be brewing your own beer.

10 Reasons To Brew Craft Beer At Home

#1 You’ll have a lot of fun.

Brewing beer is not only delicious, but it’s extremely fun! It’s easy to get started when you purchase your supplies from Brau Supply. With an all in one brewing system, it’s easy to stay relaxed, create quality “me” time and brew a beer that you’ll love, always.

#2 You’ll develop a greater appreciation for beer.

We’ll keep it simple, you’ll become a beer connoisseur. Making your own, whether that's by developing your recipe or one only here at Brau Supply, you’ll understand how beer is made, the different ingredients and the intricate process. To put it simply, you won’t ever look at beer the same way ever again, and that’s a good thing!

#3 You’ll have a favorite beer on hand at all times (unless you drink it all…).

You’ll always have your favorite beer on hand in the comfort of your own home. Think about it; no more trips to the liquor store to buy your favorite beer; all you have to do is reach into your fridge and pop open your favorite homemade craft beer. Once you find the ingredients and style of beer you love, your process will become streamlined and you’ll be a brewmaster of your favorite craft beer.

#4 You’ll make new friends.

The beer brewing community is quite large. You’d be surprised how many people brew their own beer with an all in one brewing system from Brau Supply. With the great recipes available online, and our community, you’ll be able to meet people around you who have the same passions and beer drinking desires. Plus, you can have friends over who can invite their friends to enjoy a great beer! Who would turn that down? Not us! Just remember, good beer equals good people.

#5 You’ll save money.

If you spend a pretty penny on beers at least once a week, you’ll reap the benefits of brewing your own beer at home by saving money. Once you purchase your all in one brewing system, buying the supplies will be more affordable than spending your weekly budget at the liquor store; not to mention, the beer that you’ll be brewing is a beer you’ll always love! And, it’s fresh!

#6 You’ll be creative.

You should never stop being creative, and brewing your own beer helps you keep that motto in place. It might take some practice, but you’ll hit your stride eventually once you realize that the sky is truly the limit on creating your own beer recipes.

#7 You’ll become a mad scientist.

Ok, maybe you won’t be mad, but you’ll become a scientist in your own way. You’ll be surrounded by a brew pot, tubes, buckets and thermometer,s leaving you feeling like a bit of a mad scientist. You’ll be elbow deep in your own craft beer. All you need to do is perfect your maniacal laugh.

#8 You’ll be prepared and stocked up when a global crisis hits.

If the world ends, you’ll at least have beer stashed away! When the power is out or a storm hits, you’ll be prepared with a full stock of your own craft beer. Just watch out, your neighbors might catch wind and come knocking at your door the next time a neighbor crisis hits.

#9 You’ll be proud.

When your first batch is complete, you’ll feel very proud of your new creation. Not only is it a success, but it’s rewarding. When your own recipe comes together, you’ll be excited to invite friends over to let them try your new creation. You’ll be surrounded by the people you love drinking the beer you love; what could get better than that?

#10 You’ll have an excuse to invite a lot of people over and throw your own party.

Throwing a party can be stressful if you have to buy the beer for it; but if you have all of the beer stocked up and ready to go, you’ll be more likely to have a fun, stress-free party with your family and friends. Just plan ahead of time and make sure you create enough beer to last all night!

Shop online with Brau Supply today to shop for your very own all in one brewing system. This system is truly one of the easiest to use. Don’t worry about extra gear and supplies; you don't need it when you buy from Brau Supply. Feel free to check out our latest recipes and contact us if you have any questions.

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